Bamboo Siding for Gwegwesha Day Care Center

The shelter for the Gwegwesha Day Care Center was made as a Tin Shack with three of the outside walls already covered with wood.  Tin was still displayed on the outside of the front of the shack.  Our third project was to cover the front of the shelter with bamboo.  Shelter sided with bamboo is low maintenance and blends beautifully with natural landscapes.  Bamboo is fast growing grass.

We began this project by going to another location and cutting down the bamboo.  The men used a machete and hand saws to cut it down.

And we, the women carried it the trailer to be transported to Wellington’s place.

Note:  After our first day of cutting down the Bamboo, Amber broke out in an allergic reaction and had to go to the Doctor for medication.  For this reason, she was restricted from working with the bamboo.

Next, we used the machete to clean the bamboo up.  The guys used the machete, hammer and the hand saw to split each one in half.

We, the women, lined up the bamboo and drilled holes in them in for the screws to be placed through.

That was the end of our week.  The next week the other group from our group worked on putting up the bamboo.  When we returned for our final visit, we were able to see the final product!

We all were so proud, on our final review day we used this spot as our back drop for taking pictures.